Understanding Credit Card Usage

When done right, it's a big help with your credit score

Why is this important?

  • 30% of your credit score is how you use a credit card(s)
  • Would you ever skip the first 30 questions on a 100 question math test? No, because you would have to get all 70 question right to get a C-

A big myth

  • Most people think you have to carry a balance on your credit cards to build your credit score
  • You do not need to carry any credit card debt to build a good credit score

The easy way to get more points with your first credit card

  • Get your first card, secured or unsecuredUsually with a score above 620 you can get an unsecured card
  • Secured Cards require a deposit that is equal to your credit limitThere is NO Hard Inquiry for a Secured Card
  • Unsecured Cards do not require a deposit, some do charge an annual feeThere is a Hard Inquiry for a Unsecured Card
  • To avoid interest charges and possible negative credit score impacts do this
  • Simply put Netflix or another subscription on your card and set the card for autopay the full balance each month
  • Store the card in your sock drawer not in your wallet
  • Bingo, you now are getting more points for the credit card use part of the test

This graph show you how over usage can bring down your credit score