How to reduce credit card usage to ZERO fast

And likely pay NO Interest on your balance
  • Do you have maxed out credit cards crushing your credit score? Or is your overall credit card usage high and keeping your score down?
  • This simple process can get you back in the 700's fastAnd save you lots of money in interest
  • Imagine you have $20,000 in credit card debt at 27% Interest If you pay 3% of the balance or $600 each month, it will take 553 Months to pay it to ZERO and cost you $59,000 in total

Step #1 ► Get score to 640+

Step #2 ► When score is at 640+

  • Now that your score is above 640, use the Credit Karma app and get a personal loan matched to you
  • The Interest Rate on this first personal loan may not be much better than the rate on the credit cards
  • Don't worry as you will only keep this personal loan for a couple of months
  • Get a loan that will cover paying off all or most of your credit card balances
  • Make the payments to the cards with the funds from the loan
  • Within 1 Month your credit score will likely be in the 700-720 range

Step #3 ► When score is at 700+

  • Now that your score is above 700, use the Credit Karma app again and look for a personal loan with a lower rate
  • The Interest Rate on this second personal loan will be much lower than the rate on the first personal loan
  • Make sure to look for the seconds personal loan with a different company than the first personal loan
  • Upon approval, use the money from the second personal loan to pay off the first personal loan
  • Now your second personal loan will likely be at 14%, and your payment will drop to $465 per month. This will be paid off in 60 months and the total cost will be $27,000 vs $59,000
  • You can even pay it down faster and pay even less interest

Step #4 ► Maybe you can get 0% Interest

Keep this in mind

  • If you use the full card limit for the balance transfer you will end up with maxed out card penalty and a big score dropSo only use up 80% of the transfer limit
  • Consider getting 2 cards for a 0% transfer offer and split the loan balance between the 2 cards